Saturday, August 21, 2010

"The Greatest Barrier to Finding True Love"

"The greatest barrier to finding true Love is your own negativity, hurt, pain, fear and Darkness.
It may have had its beginnings in past hurts, abuses and disappointments but once you take them on and within, they become yours.
Negativity is like a toxic material emits a hidden radioactive material often unseen by the naked eye.

You and those around you experience the symptoms but most often do not understand the source and origin.
So in pursuing Love, it cannot be hidden, concealed, masked or perpetrated.

The healing must be real, tangible, authentic and organic.
The ugly and evil of the pass will come back to haunt and hurt when undiagnosed and neglected.
It is never too late to learn.

Sixty-five, seventy-five or even eighty is not too late to experience true Love; it is never too late to do the necessary self-work.
But mean, hateful and ornery (even well masked and hidden) will insure an unfavorable result.
Not everyone will heed my words.

You are married to your trauma. You’re comfortable with your hurt, pain and fear.
it has become a part of you and you have gained a familiarity.
Separation from it presents the anxieties and disillusions of the mysteries of the unknown.

Heal yourself and Love will be drawn to your Light and Magnetism.
Heal yourself and others will be healed with you."

( I am in an AWE on this one! My jaw dropped while reading this column. There is definitely a ring of truth into it. Very Beautiful! Yes, as we heal ourselves . . . it radiates out and heals others . . . wouldn't it be wonderful if it could all take place over night!
But I do Believe in MIRACLES, IT CAN manifest over night IF only we could just get out of the way. - Ann )

8/21 ...Ann, On this day, God wants you to know ... that your pains are God's way to rouse you from slumber. Pain is your wake-up call to awaken, to look deeper into yourself, to adjust the course of your life. God tries to be as gentle as possible, and only if you ignore the call does the pain get stronger.

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