Saturday, September 11, 2010

Burn, Baby, Burn....

What is it in your closet that is worth holding onto? Just take a look around. I have discovered that I want a new wardrobe. I mean, entirely new. Therefore, my decision is to throw everything out and wait for the Universe to direct me to NEW! "Friends" that are no more a "friend" to me than the raccoons under my porch are included in the trash pile. "Anger" that doesn't serve me- well, that obviously needs to go. "Good Memories" I need to hang on to - those will be in the 'save' pile. "Regrets" - oh, come on, who really needs those? Toss that into the trash with the "so-called-friends" pile. "Disappointments" - trash. So what? I was disappointed a few times. I'm over it. "Joyful times" - obvious 'SAVE'. Remembering the FEELING of "joy" and the flutter it gives, gotta save that!

Clear the clutter in your mind. Determine what is trash, and what should be saved. It's so much easier to breathe, to think clear when there's nothing that is taking up space that doesn't need to be there. Take out the trash and burn it. That's something that will feel GOOD!

Have a Great Weekend!!

Sending you all alot of LOVE and LIGHT,

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