Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just what I need to Understand More Today

Last nite I was thinking ( i tend to do that sometimes.. not the best thing for me as i'm not a good at it) about a good friend who has been advising me lately. Some things she said made me look back at my own life.. so many things that she has been going thru the past several years that she's been talking to me made me realize just how much alike we are.. and how looking in the mirror i could see myself back a few years ago.

I started thinking about how many times there are people in our lives that aren't good for us, People that we would be so much better off if we walked away and how we really do know that those people aren't good for us but for alot of various reasons we think we can change them, or we think if we don't have them we'll grow old alone, we take blame for things they do and accept that we did somethin to deserve it when reality is.. Nobody deserves abuse, Nobody needs to settle for less than what they deserve and I also realized there are worse things in life than being alone..

I've had many relationships in my life with the " goog boys" who treats me really good,who respects me and sees me as a Beautiful Woman Inside and Out, but somehow I ended up marrying "the bad boys" believing that the love of a good woman would change them and I would be able to help them be the kind of person that they *claimed* they wanted to be. The end result tho was always the same.. you can't change anyone else, you can only change yourself. You can't change someone that doesn't want to be changed. You can't do all the work and expect to be successful. Relationships are partnerships. It takes 2 to tango. I found that out the hard way after spending so much time trying to do ALL the work and thinking that IF i did this and IF i did that everything would work out and we'd be happy and have that Happily ever after Fairy Tale we all want. Life doesn't work that way though unfortunately.

My last Marriage ended on Nov. 2007. With that I learned some of my biggest and hardest lessons. I learned that nobody can hurt me if i don't give them the power to hurt me, I learned that nobody can cause me to go into financial ruins if i don't allow them to put me there. I realized that all the problems and all the bad things that I played HALF in that.. the things he did he would never have been able to do them if i had not allowed it or given him the opportunity to do it. We are all in charge of our own lives and nobody can take that away from us if we don't give them permission to do it.

Anthony Robbins said: “Change occurs when the pain of not changing becomes greater than the pain of changing.” Change is definitely painful. It is much easier to stay stuck. But as someone else once said, “A rut is just a grave with the ends kicked out!”

Well, going to see my Chiro again today, it's been 5 days straight now and I will be still going there everyday til they fix my back and now my hips and legs are affecting all the pains. We will see...Im asking for you guys to keep me in your Prayers for my fast recovery.

God Bless You All....Happy Sunday!

Sending You all alot of LOVE and LIGHT,

( I hope you enjoy this music...I can't wait to go home in the Philippines and do Island Hopping with my Great friends, WHOAHH!!!)

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