Monday, September 27, 2010

When we're Young .....

LOVE THIS SONG...the meaning comes so clear to me, but yet its so hard to explain it...for me, it feels like its talking about all the things you imagined adult hood to be when you were young and all the things you hoped to be...but then you grew up and saw it wasnt like that. It just means getting back to what is important in your life and realizing what makes you happy, even if it takes time to go back years and years to get to the simplicity of things "when you were young"....

Sending You all Love and Light,

Missy- Awesome song sis! and so true... We humans are Fallible creatures, we make mistakes and poor choices and so are the people around us, forgiving not only the ones who had hurt us, but more importantly ourselves is the key to personal growth.... It's what makes our imperfection worthy. Forgiving even those who had hurt us the most. "When we were young" we're full of innocense, we grow up and we learned a lot from our own experience... And we still look back some time to the "When we were young" Days... but with full awareness and wisdom.. at times, we find ourselves thinking "Wow..without so and so pain, I wouldn't have grown up this way" And it's the meaning of life. I love you and will see you soon sis! My hats off to you by the way! You hadn't changed all these years, still the same Good hearted Ann I've known 20 years or so ago. "When we were young" ;)

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