Monday, September 20, 2010

RELATIONSHIPS...A Divine Design !

It's funny how as humans we tend at times to focus on the wrongs done to us, ignoring the wrongs we have done to others. When we focus on how in our lives we were the victims of someone else's poor choices and behaviors towards us, we trap ourselves in stasis, thus preventing true growth. Instead of righting the wrongs we have done to someone we care for a great deal, we sometimes over compensate by lavishing our time and attention on new people that we bring into our lives thinking that this will fix our past poor behavior.

The only way to truly grow and thrive in relationships is not to make a mess of things and walk away, but to return to pick up the pieces of what once was. This is where growth and satisfaction reside. Leaving a trail of broken relationships and friendships behind, haunts the soul that wishes to grow.

Spiritual growth involves doing what's right, not what is easy.

All good spiritual leaders have shown us this. Being a good partner or friend takes a great deal of effort because it requires trust in ourselves and faith in the power of love. It's hard for some people to believe that they are truly loveable. This feeling is often times the result of harsh childhoods where parents were overly critical and withheld true affection and praise.

Many people are the victims of poor parenting which if they allow it, will affect the quality of their relationships throughout their lives. Fortunately as adults our parents no longer control our lives as long as we don't let them. By focusing on past hurts done by our parents we continue to give them power over us. By being able to reject the notion that somehow got implanted in our young brains, that we are not worthy of love, we can move forward into much happier, healthier relationships then we had as children.

As adults we truly have power over our lives to create strong bonds and loving relationships that reflect our own inner beauty. When we allow ourselves to really feel our emotions, we open ourselves up to incredible experiences. When our heart chakra is able to function properly, we find ourselves equipped with a new sense of the beauty of the people we care for, and a feeling of peace and patience with them.

What makes love the most powerful emotion is that it empowers us as individuals not only to a true sense of peace and joy, but the ability to heal and forgive wounds inflicted upon us. In turn, there becomes a desire to do the same for those whom we have inflicted wounds. Allowing ourselves to feel love is the best gift we can give ourselves. When we trust in our ability to love, then we trust that the people we love deserve the work it takes to keep things in balance, and when things shatter, to pick up the pieces with them and redesign the relationship.

I just got done watching a very touching video of a good friend of mine jenny back in Catholic school St . Rita back home. She shared to us a a weekend Marriage Encounter she and her husband Erwin had in one of the beautiful Island in the Philippines. I think if only marriage couples have some spiritual time just for themselves , giving time to reflect on things that they have for one another. Here in America, we are always busy working , doing other things that we forget the most important people in ourlives.. our love ones. So many distractions that pulling each others apart. The Lying, the nagging , the dishonesty etc.. i could go on ...
Our EGO and PRIDE gets in the way that we forgot the love that brought US together. We then not only lose ourself but our partners as well.


Sending you all alot of Love and Light,

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