Saturday, September 4, 2010

Relationships- Honesty Versus Love, Which one Is More Important?

I really wanted to write about a person's need for love so bad sometimes until they are over sacrificing to have someone in their life to the point of losing their own identity.

Yes love relationships are about compromising you know meeting in the middle. That means give and take in a situation. Not having it just one way. A lot of people fear being alone to the point of giving up theirselves, their identity in order to be with someone. I see this as a "yes" to the person they love a real dishonest'" no" to theirselves. It is a lie that some people tell theirselves that they do not matter unless they they are in a relationship. It does not have to be a good relatonship or a healthy one just as long as they are not alone. So many have at one time sacrificed theirselves because they loved a person so much until they lost theirselves in the process and essentially became unhappy. Their self identity was gone.

It starts with not speaking your mind or asking for what you really want in fear of making your love inrerest upset. It becomes a one sided relationship because you become in fear of being abandoned to the point of scarificng your wants and your idenity. I call this the death of a soul.I love me and can not give me up to become a " we ".

I say do an internal inquiry to see if your partner is scarifcing for you also than you know it is about love and compromise. If you are the only one sacrificing than it is not a relationship in balance. It is one sided. Sometimes being single is fabulous because you get to know yourself and no one can make you alter your identity. Than you can attract a partner who will love and accept you for you .

Love where only one person sacrificing is not love

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