Wednesday, September 15, 2010

" INTUITIONS....My Divine Gift"

I want to give you some feedbacks ....

When i was 16 yrs old I was told by my mom's friend who a chruch choir member old lady that I have a gift of Intuitions. At that time, I didn't have a clue what was she talking about -Of course, I didn't really pay attention to that.

3 years ago A very gifted Reiki Master, Healer and Remote viewer i've met said the very same thing. She actually seen some events in my past that I took all the signs forgranted. She was right , I was in shocked! There were incidents in my past on my love and relationship that my Intuition was 100% accurate. She explained to me that my strong gifts are specializes in romance only. To be quite frankly, I wanted to wrong on this one due to it hurts when i look on my exes eyes ,i see visions, when i hold there hands i feel their guilt and grieve trying to hide things from me. Sometimes i can't stop myself from insisting the truth from them even though i already know the truth. It will be very hard for me to trust someone I knew they are lying to me without a doubt. Like I used to warned my exes ...there's nothing you can hide from me , I would know and feel it. Again, I was right. Funny even other men i've met before i see signs , visions and intuitions but i guess, i didn't really care as much as im suppose to that I just ignored those signs.

Well a year ago I was told by this person some interesting stuff so this year I've finally met her in person in CA . She is a Visionary , A Healer, A Spiritualist, Reiki Master, and Remote Viewer as well. Oppps did i mention, She is a Great lawyer too. I almost fell off my chair when she sees a very sad and dramatic events happened and actually feeling everything. She was getting a grasp of air and was telling me every smal details how the events occured that day in the past . Mind you without giving her any info at all. I mean , Nothing!

She then educated me about my gifts that my intuitions will get stronger as i reached my 40th bday. It will be slowly at first she said but i will also develop Visions as time goes by , and this is something I can't ignore ...where i see flashes of what's going to happen or flashbacks of what had happened already.
I must admit, she was right. Alot of times, I hated it because I don't want to be right. I have warned some people from work and friends this past 8 mos. on things and they come back to me and asked me how did i know????

One of the things i honestly don't like is seeing something or someone no one else can see ..Kinda like the sixth sense movie . Which at one point at work i had one incident and confirmed from janitors who had been working there for years about what i saw. I was in shocked and crying when i've learned that the person i saw used to work there and already passed away. I know this is gonna be difficult on me from now on ..I pray i won't have to see one again. Never again.This something I can't denied, hide and even ignored anymore.

You see . . . NOT everyone is a TRUTH seeker! There are many people who do unethical things . . . there might even be things that you do, that you may even bend the rules a little. We all have something we would rather not have others know about us. Like I don't go around telling everyone that I'm an Intuitive or see Visions. . . and sometimes, I really hope they don't read my blogs!


So everyone has SOMETHING to hide it seems.

When you become more and more enlightened, your intuition or your sixth sense becomes more acute . . . NO, you are losing your mind!

But where do you get validation? How do you get CLARIFICATION . . . especially when it is unethical, or it is something that someone is trying to hide? Usually, a person will not give up their secret willingly . . . Sure, they might give up SOMEONE else's secret . . . but not their own skeleton . . . lol . . . .

There are very few truth seekers, I am finding in my own personal environment. Just because someone is kind one minute, does not mean that they are kind all the time. Just because someone tells you some TRUTH, does not mean that everything that comes out of their mouth is TRUTH.

If you are getting an ODD feeling . . . well, WRITE THAT DOWN!!!

I cannot emphasize more strongly to my friends how IMPORTANT it is that you have a personal journal. You NEED to be writing down you dreams, your impressions, your feelings. As you re-read what you have written, and time has gone by, you can go back and put a big "R" next to comments or impressions that you received, this big "R" stands for REAL!!!

If you find that your impression was NOT accurate . . . and there will be some of those, you can put a big "F" next to the paragraph, sentence, or impression that your wrote about. This is for FALSE . . . What you will be doing is honing in on your intuition! What kind of energy feeling did you have when you experienced your impressions?

Let me explain to you what happens when you become enlightened . . . It can be frightening! You can become paranoid of your situation, people, issues, things that are happening around you. There have been times, that I truly thought I was losing my mind!!! Because there was not a single person on the face of the earth that I could TRUST!!!

I isolated myself. But that didn't help . . . well in some ways it did, but it really was a waste of time . . . cause I got lonely, then when I finally did start mingling with people, and my intuition would tell me things . . . I would ignore the signs, cause I didn't want to be lonely!!!

Listen and obey your intuition!!! It is NOT a BAD thing!!! It is a GIFT!!! It takes courage to check yourself, and STRENGTH to stand up to the TRUTH.

Some people they have secrets, and being enlightened is like you can see right through people, but you really don't want to see right through people cause people want to keep their secrets . . . but you can't help it cause . . . well, your becoming enlightened!

Love and Peace,

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