Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Are what cause so many issues in our friendships and relationships.....
We have many unrealistic expectations of people, most they are blissfully unaware of....

When we do not tell the other person about what we expect we are being unreasonable to expect them to read our mind and know what we want from them.
Sometimes we do not tell the other person what we want or need from them because we are afraid they will reject us or not meet them....and that can be an issue because resentment can build up and cause stress where there should be none. It was OUR own expectations that caused this not the other person not meeting them.

The real problem ONLY begins if we tell the other person what we want and or need from them and that person ignores our wants and needs. Because we have stated our needs, and we have not had them met....

Because we have made our needs clear and are expecting the other person to meet them, that is different from us expecting the other to read our minds....
But what is a reasonable expectation of another human being? Somehow the more we care the more we expect from someone and have no idea that it is ONLY the fact that we care about that person that makes us feel we deserve more from them....because IF we did not care the words a person says or does not say do not have the power to hurt us....it really IS as simple as that....

So keep your expectations realistic, state them clearly, address issues before they really become one, pick your battles, but do not turn them INTO battles, and be honest both with yourself and the other person....

Sending you all alot of Love and Light,


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