Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hmmm...Should I Stay....or Should I Go?

SELF love. Self love isn't being vain or egotistical, it's a matter of drawing boundaries to what is and what isn't acceptable to you. The more you draw boundaries around your heart, the more you love yourself. You know how you're being treated in a relationship- is the behavior stirring up feelings of anger, or feelings of reaffirming how much you are adored? The "Self" knows the difference, but may argue with you because the "Ego Self" is making excuses for certain behaviors.

Does he/she call you when promised, or are you left wondering why? In this day and age of instant messaging, cell phones, blackberries, and all kinds of communication devices is there an excuse for not sending a simple "hi, am thinking of you" or "how's your day?"

Does he/she not make solid plans with you, but instead, says "sure, MAYBE we can get together?" (you better make other plans, because this is a major red flag you're "Plan B").

Does he/she surf the internet looking for something, not necessarily 'better' but just LOOK at what's 'out there'? (In other words, is your significant "other" making you feel "insignificant"?)

All of the above are things you COULD make excuses for the behavior, but what is it that your heart KNOWS that your head refuses to BELIEVE? We ALL believe in Love and want someone to share our lives with, but are YOU the only one participating in your relationship? When is it time to drop the fear of not having someone in your life that isn't "present" with you, so that you can ALLOW someone that IS present to share with you?

All things in good time. Actually, I call it divine time. When you are ready to put boundaries on what IS and what ISN'T acceptable behavior to YOUR standards, then you will be in a space where you WILL make the appropriate decision that will be YOUR choice...

This is the day that beauty can truly rise and shine within you. Just believe that this day will bring you peace, joy, friendship and inner peace

Love and Peace,

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