Thursday, September 23, 2010

Full Moon Sept 23rd ...Today is a great day to harvest.

On this day Sept. 23 , God wants you to know ... that when you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you will have more opportunities.

It is a day to complete things and bring closure to any situation .It can be a positive, healthy crop, or harvesting an issue and getting it out of your field so that you can move on to a healthier one.

This is the perfect day energetically to get that harvest in, and to then open a door to be able to move on.

When others have closed the door, allow it to remain closed and move forward with a new crop, with new ideas, goals and a new attitude.

You can harvest by finishing up a project, or a mindset.You can harvest the tangible or intangible.

Remember to not rush things. All good things take time.Patience is the lesson taught by the Universe most often as it is the most important lesson we will learn on this earth.

What can you harvest today?

Sending you all Alot of Love and Light,

The full moon on September 23rd will fall in the sign of Aries. Aries is the sign that likes to be adventurous and outgoing. It's a great time to take chances and risks to see what results you get. Gambles are highlighted here. I don't mean the gambles of money and the casino. I mean the gambles of taking chances in life. You need to explore and venture out into the world. The adventures can take you to a place or company or career field that is different and unique from what you are use to. The full moon is the first of two full moon affecting you. Saturn will oppose this full moon making you work hard to accomplish your goals. You may be investing more time and effort in order to advance. It could be a time of changes and obligations. You will find yourself investing more time and effort to get ahead. Saturn is the sign od discipline and obligations so expect to buckly down and get to work. You may feel a bit stressed, depressed or anxious at this time too. Pluto also seem to be adding more pressures and frustrations. It will square this full moon which could make you feel a bit emotional and sensitive. The full moon will affect mainly everyone who was born around the 20th through 27th of any sign and from any month. Everyone will feel the affects from this full moon but more so those born around those days.

1 comment:

Teri said...

I just ran into your blog after looking for something. I just wanted to leave you a message to let you know that you are an amazing person