Saturday, January 2, 2010

Are You Getting the Hint????

proposing in niagara photo

You have been hinting all along how you feel about a person. You feel like you have been hinting and nothing has worked. You are frustrated because they are not responding the way that you thought they would to your many hints.

Remember A Hint Is.............

Not specific at all. It is fishing. It is an assumption of what you hope will take place because of your hints. Hinting is not clear communication at all. It is beating around the bush and indirectly asking for something.

When A Person Hints............

It means that they are afraid to directly ask for what they want. It is often due to fear of rejection or not feeling as if they deserve what they want. They hint because it is considered to be a less risky action. There is no real risk involved when we hint.

The Universe.........

Sees hinting as the person is not ready for what they want and does not feel like they deserve what they want so the universe will make sure that the person will not get what they want until they clearly ask for it.

So.........In Order To get What You Want, YOU MUST! ASK CLEARLY! No games, no fear of rejction. RISKS IT AND DO IT! The worst thing that can happen is that you will be told no. If you feel rejected than you must heal an issue. Not knowing is worse than sitting in hopeful fantasy land. If you feel like you do not deserve it and are only hoping to receive it, than heal the reason why you do not feel deserving. The universe will give you nothing better until you ask clearly for it and know that you deserve it.

Hinting is for the FEARFUL. The NOT Ready Type. CLARITY is for the GROWN and SEXY. REMEMBER...If you do not ask then the answer is always no. If you do ask, you have a great chance of being told yes.

Hahaha, Are you getting the Hint???? I thought of writing this i think it's pretty obvious and You will get better things in life, when you ask for them directly because you learn that you deserve them. I can't reiterate any further. Got it??


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