Monday, January 4, 2010

The Spiritual Law of Loving & Giving Never Falters

A pair of hands in a praying position set against a beautiful prairie lake landscape with a cross in the sky on the right side. photo

When Humans make their incarnate journey into this life they have the wonder and expectation of a child. As they move into maturity they begin to see the choices that they can make that will shape their lives and their very destinies. This is a time of discovery as well as challenge. Some will chose the path that I see as the one that was told to me by the angels; and that is one of love.

Everyone is given a gift upon entry into this life, this existence. There is a blessing that says, "Though the road was steep and long, and through a dark and lonely land, God set upon my lips a song, and put a lantern in my hand." That lantern that you have been given is your innate goodness--your Light, and ultimately your joy. There are no wrong answers when it comes to using this token that was given unto you by God, the original Source.

It is only when you fail to use it that the path becomes uncertain. Brothers and Sisters should not have to muddle through on this path. It should be the ultimate joy to remember the lantern that you were given at the start of your journey. And your Light will be brighter when you help others find their own.

May the Good Lord Blesses You All....


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