Saturday, January 9, 2010


Love is… Good and Evil photo

We get back what we put out there. As I have explained in the past, when you LIED, HURT or ABUSED someone, you may not get the exact same thing, but God and /or the Universe will step in. This may mean the person that you have HURT at leaves you. Once you LIED, HURT or ABUSED someone, then you can't go and donate blood, or money, or time and think that is a fix for what you did to the person you have LIED, HURT and ABUSED. IT ISN'T!. It is the INTENT . When you are donating with the intent that it makes up for bad behavior you exhibited on a different person, the donating is absolutely nothing. Zero, zilch, zip.

When you harm another, you have to directly make it up to that person that you harmed. All that Praying, helping with money and being great to your buddies WON'T do you a lick of good.

LYING, HURTING and ABUSING Someone , leaving them feeling like they are worth nothing all count up on a Karmic list. It doesn't just go away, it stays there, until you FIX it. It is easier to just not do it, in the first place.

People try to excuse that bad behavior with statements like, " She just Annoys Me " , "She started it", "I am only defending myself", or "I was having a bad day". None of these are valid in the eyes of God and/or the Universe. HURTING, LYING, ABUSING and all that other stuff that you know that you are not supposed to do , does get firmly marked, and responded to, not by the person you harmed all of the time, but by God and the Universe.

We aren't saints, none of us are on that level yet, but being human is not an excuse for abusing others either. Be kind to EVERYONE you meet, be HONEST , UP FRONT , And RESPECT others in all areas of your life. Especially the Ones who Loves and Cares for you . If you don't want to be Lied At then Don't Lie , Dont retaliate, Dont abuse, Dont degrade or in any other way cause harm to another person. GOD and the Universal retribution just isn't worth it!

So watch out !!!! You know who you are and what you have done! I hope you have a long


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