Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ohhh THE Many LIES We Telll Ourselves!!!!!

Close up pictures of a hanging thread photo

You know in your heart that he doesn't "love" you. You KNOW this, yet you are sucked into the words that he says. Why? Because YOU want to believe that all of mankind is as generous and thoughtful as YOU are. So, you enter into his flower garden full of daisies with petals that come off one day at a time - he loves you, he loves you not, he loves you, he loves you not.

Then you're "confused". Why is it that he can be oh, so sincere one day, and act like you don't exist the next? You are NOT 'confused'. Your soul KNOWS what truth is, and where the truth rests. It's because you desperately choose to hear the sincerity, not the truth. And, herein lies the "confusion". How can he be so cruel? How can he stand there and lie to you with such a straight face? How can it be that he doesn't "love" you one day, then professes his undying love to you the next?

The only "confusion" with this scenario is the struggle between your head and your soul. Your soul is trying to get to your head, but your head blocks out what its trying to say to you, choosing instead to believe in the deceiver. The center of the daisy is left bright yellow - all alone, no more petals to pluck. Yellow is the color of intuition and insights. Now that you have this bright yellow center - your core being - left standing alone, I suggest you take a good look at what it holds for you.

There is nothing more to hide, it's only you. There are no more petals of deception and lies to pick off one at a time. Alone, you can see that it was a charade. There is no "confusion" in true love. True love resides within you. Oh, sure, you can feel like a fool for buying into the act. But where does this feeling come from? Um, YOU. You can say that it was painful, but again, where does this pain come from? Um, YOU. Because within you is TRUTH. Within your soul is where the answers are to the uncomfortable and confused state that you find yourself struggling with.

In time, you'll grow stronger petals that will protect that beautiful core of bright yellow that you are. In time, you will heal. In time, you'll release the resentment - not at HIM - but at yourself for believing in a liar and a deceiver. And, no, you won't allow this experience to jade you toward love and a loving relationship.

As long as you are TRUE to YOURSELF, there will always be inner peace and harmony for you.....ALWAYS.... and this is a fact, and it's a truth... from your angels that surround you and try like crazy to guide you - even when you won't listen.

I have Loved A Man All this Years just to Learn and able to face the Facts that He doesn't Love me as much as I thought he does. I've finally faces the reality that It's All about LIES, FRAUD , MANIPULATIONS and Worsts His EGO Trip!!! The Man has Full of Resentments towards me that No matter how he tries so hard His Ego bites him right off his Ass! Probably pounding and telling him ....She is your enemy who once or twice hurt you in the past. Bull crap! Why dragged another soul who really does Loves you to your Misery???? And Everything you do is not for me ...

I know I have been TRUE to myself and in my heart My Love has been Pure and True but I've been Lied at and Betrayed over and over by Someone like you!

I am now Releasing myself to All of this...



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