Saturday, January 16, 2010

Purple Violets

Heart shapes strewn in the background of a glass holding lit red candles photo

I had a great afternoon time alone ( thanks to my kids they see my hard work) ,relaxing , kinda indulging myself on some new york cheesecake drizzled with Godiva dark chocolate and watching a Chick flick Movie entitled .."Purple Violets" , I must say another addition to my collections. I digged this movie alot, I mean i can relate to it ...gee what in the world does the universe or God trying to tell me here???? But anyway, I can't wait to write and share my opinions about the movie and of course with the twist of my own personal thingy!!!! I hope you like it.

" Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

This is a very true statement. If someone is single or struggling in relationships, it is because they are blocking love whether they realize it or not. Focusing on the other party takes us farther away from fixing ourselves. The solution to the problem is always within us.

I'm pretty sure that you may know someone that are not successful at relationships or they keep meeting the wrong person, they have to look at why they are attracting the wrong person. The law of attraction is always working so there is a reason why we are attracting the wrong person into our lives.

If the guy is emotionaly unavailable, ask youself if your are really emotionally available. If your partner is not being honest, make sure you are being totally honest. Remember holding back is a form of dishonesty. So if your partner is not opening up, are you waiting for them to spill their emotions first so that you can feel safe? You must initiate it if you want the change to happen. If your partner is not loving you, ask if you are loving yourself. Two halfs never made a whole person.

Do take the time to examine your relationships patterns. In order to break a bad pattern, you must be willing to take a break from relationships and repair yourself. We only attract what we are offering.

I now this personally and I see it all the time. We are always in alignment with who we are dating. Our partner is there to magnify what we need to see in ourselves. This is not about judgement or being right or wrong. It is a growth thingy.



You have either results or excuses, and they’re mutually exclusive. If you take responsibility for your life and ask quality questions about how to fulfill it, you become a magnet for opportunities. People and money are irresistibly drawn to energy, ...enthusiasm and certainty. You are the master of what you love and the slave to what you don’t!

( This song from the movie also )

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