Saturday, January 30, 2010

An Email I recieved from a Friend.....

What Hurt Feelings Really Are.............
Unhealed wounds. So when a person in your life is hurting you it it because they are a spiritual mirror to show you what you need to heal. Most people meaning 95% of the people in our life do not set out to hurt us. Everyone has their unhealed issues. When a person lies, cheats steals, betray you,etc it is because they have their own wounds to heal. People who do not heal can self destruct at any time. If you feel singled out by someone meaning that you feel they are constantly hurting you, it means that the universe is slamming you against that concrete wall to face your wounds.

So when you feel hurt by someone, look at when did the feeling first originate. More than likely it was way before the person that you feel hurt by. Forgive that experience and learn what you need to learn from it. To spin the cycle of being hurt all the time equals stunted spiritual growth which can hinder personal happiness and success with friendships, career, family and romantic relationships. moving on is not always possible. You will keep dating the same type of man/woman until the healing has occurred.

Never have the expectation that someone will come along and love you so much to where they will never hurt you. Those are unrealistic expectations that will lead to further hurt and devastation. The people that we love the most and have the highest expectations from will hurt us the most. Especially if they are a soul mate, do expect to get hurt. It is a soul mates job to heal you not help you to cover up your wounds.

Remember , Yes forgiveness is crucial and nothing will get better until a person forgives. Holding grudges causes misery, cancer, diabetes and no spiritual progress.

God Bless

Ann's Reply:

A very good one. I really REALLY needed to read this today. I've been struggling so much and realize this whole situation is a mirror of my own wounds. From my experience dealing with lies, half told truths, and the emotional turmoil behind it. You do have to consider the circumstances going on and what brought it out in the open. One may not have intensions to be the bad person. Learning to deal with this is the task to be open minded and forgiving.

I am so thankful for all your wise insight and I am glad I am finally able to own my role in the quality of all my relationships. I am certainly willing to look at the part I've played in creating or engaging certain situations - the good, the bad, and the ugly. I value the lessons you help us learn Dr. D! I can't say that many readers empower their clients by going beneath the surface of the typical "be unavailable, don't wait around" stuff that really doesn't get to the heart of the matter. You do. ... Thank you so Much . More Power to You!

I think from now on , I will start writing more on a brighter side .. I have to let go . I remembered a great friend from Ireland had told me once..." If it is for YOU Ann then , It will never pass you by."


Dr. D's Response

Holding onto hurt is a choice we all make. We are responsible for what we feel, not anyone else. Those who inflict pain do so out of their own lack of love for themselves. Knowing this and understanding that the pain we hold onto hurts ourselves more often than the other person can perhaps encourage us over a reasonable amount of time to forgive and heal. I've always felt that when we criticize or judge someone, we are really looking at the mirror at something we don't like about ourselves. And yes, the primary wound keeps surfacing through different relationships until we address the initial wound!

Feeling hurt is a prison in itself. I always tell callers and patients that they have the keys to the prison and can take theirselves out of prison whenever they want to. It is easy to get hurt when we wont address the source of the pain. I always say face head on and know it is tough but the pay off is freedom.

Predictions wont happen either until a person is ready to heal and forgive their past. having a prediction occur means that you are ready. if it does not happen it is because the universe knows that the person needs to do more work. remember we are not given anything that we are not ready for. so if it is taking forever for something to happen make sure the past is cleaned up and forgiveness has occurred. know your responsibility and do not blame. blaming is a sign of not being ready.

thank you for your wonderful comment. ..Good Luck to YOu Ann.

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