Monday, January 18, 2010

Men & Hormonal Cycles - They are REAL... real BAD....

Angry boy after bath with wet crew cut photo

Men have hormonal "cycles". They can last anywhere from 3-4 days. I call this HMS. (As in it makes you go "hmmm" listening to the off the wall commentary or observing odd actions). HMS is an acronym for His Manly Syndrome. It comes out of the blue, and suddenly he gets weird. If there is a cave nearby, shove him in it and lock the door.

For centuries, Men have had the upper hand in blasting women for hormonal unbalances during certain times of the month. We've been the brunt of jokes that they think are funny, but give each other this rolled-eyeball look as in "Hey, I'm a real man, I survived". Well, ladies, I'm telling you - it's like clockwork with most men - they, too, have their times of the month.

They throw brat attacks, insist on the impossible, storm around the house hissing and heavy sighing at everything. And, because God said it Himself, "All men are created equal" why WOULDN'T they have their "time" too?

If your guy starts to exhibit signs of HMS here are a few ways that you can cope with it:

1. Take 2 asprin and go to bed.
2. Realize that asking him simple things is going to start a verbal war, so just stay quiet.
3. Shop. Just go out shopping. (Don't actually BUY anything, just go shopping).
4. If it gets really bad, and you want to drive home how bratty he's being, toss a box of feminine products at him.
5. Face it, he wants to argue about anything and everything. Just stay quiet. (The result will be that he can storm off to his cave).
6. Leave him a cute note on a pretty notepad: "Go to your Cave and don't come back until you can be civil".
7. Knit. Knitting needles are sharp. You can fantasize about what you would do with those sharp needles.
8. Keep a calendar and circle the dates that you know he's going to get into a hormonal hissy fit, and plan to go do things with your sane girlfriends.

Most times, he won't even realize that he's on his "cycle". We women are well versed at this and experience physical symptoms that warn us. Being the kind creatures that we are, we will toss out a hint or two that the "time" is coming. Men, however, have no clue except that suddenly a wild hair starts to twist out of their ears or eyebrows or beard.

Just know that it's REAL, but the great thing is that it's real TEMPORARY. In no time at all, the person occupying your husband/boyfriend suit leaves, and you have your normal guy back.

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