Tuesday, January 26, 2010


women in hat on ocean background photo

Have you ever gotten to the point where you feel as if you are being run over by the one you are in a relationship with ( or atleast i think we are....)

One thing I had to accept is the fact that I cannot control the person I am with. I cannot make him call me more or make him love me anymore than he actually does. I have noticed that often times we think there is something we can do to make a person act a particular way. The harsh reality is that you have to decide if a person is "enough" for you.

Yes, people change but it doesn't mean they will change for YOU. Sometimes you are NOT the person they will change for. We allow ourselves to continue to be hurt in hopes that this person may miraculously come to their senses and love us because we are such a great person. When in fact, you may indeed be a "great" person, just not the right one for whomever you are seeking the affection from. IT's called the way of life.

It hurts to feel rejected, but sometimes we have to face reality in a situation and understand that letting it go is the best thing for us. Sometimes letting go brings better things into our lives. I am a living testimony to such... Letting things go often times makes room for more positive things to enter our lives.

Acceptance begins with the acceptance of oneself, where you are at, and what you will become. Always be true to yourself, and do not alter who you are due to someone else's opinion. Accept you can be happy just being exactly who you are, and where you are in your life right now. Always wishing you the greatest blessings...

Peace to All,

"So pitiful what you are, should have seen this coming all along"

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